Monday, October 2, 2023

CVS Health Bluetooth Blood Glucose Meter?

 It was not too long ago that I purchased a CVS Bluetooth glucometer. It is compact and has some neat features. I got this new device since the previous device was no longer covered by my insurance and the test strips were getting expensive. 

 CVS Health Bluetooth Blood Glucose Meter

I liked it since it is compact. It is not very big. It is easy to take with you if you travel to different places. 

I like that the test strips were not really expensive. The price for 100 was less than the price for 50 for my previous meter. The price of the meter was not expensive either. While my insurance didn't cover it, I was able to test more often (I like to test three times a day - being a type 2 diabetic) and not worry about whether or not the insurance would cover it. 

The price of the glucometer was quite affordable. It fit into my budget. It was $21.99. There are some glucometers that are quite costly. 

I used my phone to connect to the device and upload the information to it. It helps me track my blood sugar levels. The software for the phone was free and easy to download (at least from Google Play). I turned on the Bluetooth on my phone and was able to - quite easily - connect to my phone. 

Getting it under control; 

I am not a professional. I have been a diabetic - type 2 - since 1989. I have some experience in being a diabetic. I am doing my best to control it. Having a good attitude about it helps. It is not the end of the road. I find it to be a challenge to keep it under control. 


2023 / 10 / 02

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